Protect online privacy for families and kids

Most kids are skilled navigators when it comes to internet or web browsing.  They are much comfortable using computers, cell phones, tablets or IPods. While kids get tremendous opportunity to learn and explore new ideas, current information, learning materials and knowledge, it can be a dangerous and harmful to kids in some aspect. Website, mobile apps collect huge amount of data including personal information from kids. This information can be used for multiple purposes that we mostly are not aware. I will try to focus on some of the online privacy related issues and how we can prevent and protect our kids and families.

Malicious and inappropriate content

Internet is another world of fun and learning for kids. It is like another universe with many black holes. On one hand Internet provide very helpful information and knowledge people, it also has on other hand, sexual, violent and inappropriate contents. One accidental click, can lead to open thousands of similar websites.

Parents are advised to established rules for computer and internet use. Parents can use internet browser’s built-in content filtering feature, configure router (if firewall is enabled) at home to block access to sexual, gaming, and any inappropriate sites. Parents must make sure that their computer has latest and up to date anti-malware software with firewall features. Most of the security software offer parental control and monitoring features.

Kids should be advised not to download or install any app or software on computer or cell phones without checking with their parents or guardians.

Spies and Identity theft

Identity theft has become a very much concern to everyone. Kids and home users are the best target for this type of attack due to their less or no knowledge about internet security. There are many ways to steal or collect the personal information of a person who is always update their current status with accurate information. For example, if a kid post or update its status “I am alone home today”, this information can attract strangers or criminals as this house is more vulnerable now.

Kids are advised and so the parents, never ever share their personal information, like cell phone, home address, SSN, credit card, date of birth and any sensitive information. Oversharing post poses a risk of exposing sensitive information not only to social network groups but to cybercriminals who could use them to steal your identity.

It is advisable to always use the privacy setting like on Facebook or Instagram. Never share their password in any case to anyone except your parents.

Exploitative and abusive people

Privacy and internet safety is not only about what do you share on internet but also who are in your social network. It is advisable to parents to monitor their kid’s social network group and who they are adding to. Parents should confirm that their kids know everyone personally in their social networking groups contact list.

Kids are advised to their parents or guardian immediately if they feel uncomfortable online. Kids also be advised to not post anything bullying or inappropriate messages or text online. Kids must check with their parents before posting their pictures on social media. Do not share any inappropriate picture of anyone. Keeps the social network group conversation as healthy as possible.

Kids are advised to not meet anyone in person, they “met” on internet. If someone ask to meet, kids should immediately tell their parents or guardians. Some people may not be who they claim to be.

Parents should be refrain from giving administrative access to computer to their kids. They are also advised not to use admin account when surfing on internet.